Village White Gates Installation
Droxford Village Community
The Parish Council was delighted this week to see a long-standing project come to fruition with the installation of the white gates co-located with the existing 30mph signs on approaches to the village. Following an initial on-site meeting with Highways in February 2023, progress of the project was discussed at numerous Parish Council meetings and the Annual Parish Meetings APMs in both 2023 and 2024. When informed about the project at both APMs, residents gave their clear support and were informed about the constraints imposed by Highways regarding the location of the gates and suitability of each of the locations for dual or single gates.
The project was funded through Community Infrastructure Levy payments, a charge that SDNPA can set on new development in order to fund community improvements to infrastructure, facilities and services. The Parish Council, in close consultation with Highways, considered the installation of white gates, as a means of slowing traffic on its approach to Droxford, to meet the SDNPA criteria and we have been encouraged by the many positive comments received.
Contact Information
Ailsa Duckworth, Parish Clerk
Find Droxford Village Community
Droxford Parish Council, PO Box 504, Droxford, Southampton, Hampshire, SO30 9GB
Additional Information
Droxford website for the local community in Hampshire. Information for parish council, events.