Climate Change

Think globally, start locally
Droxford Parish Council statement regarding Climate Change
It is important that all tiers of government/local authority engage in the battle to limit global warming. Droxford Parish Council has resolved to incorporate appropriate consideration of the impact of climate change in its decision making and communications. Its website will provide updates of community engagement resources and ideas that may help households within the parish to reduce their carbon footprint.
Winchester Action on the Climate Crisis (WinACC)
Helping Winchester district cut greenhouse gases to zero
We bring communities, Councils, organisations and people together in Winchester district to respond to the climate crisis and create positive, sustainable change.
Take action! Campaign – join an Action Group – get our mailings – join us.
Reduce your home’s carbon footprint
Energy use in the home is responsible for around 20% of direct carbon emissions, the main greenhouse gas that is causing the climate crisis.
WinACC can help you to transform the energy performance of your home to reduce your carbon footprint, by retrofitting.
Winchester Climate Action Network (WeCAN) project
This is a collaboration between CSE, WinACC and Winchester City Council. Further information to follow regarding future events.
The Droxford Footprint Report can be found at the following link: In each of the sections there are some trigger questions to help identify any areas for possible action.

We're supporting The Environment Centre and Global Action Plan campaign to raise awareness around the myths of wood burning.
The Environment Centre has a range of resources available to learn how to burn less, cleaner and better.
The campaign culminates in the first-ever #CleanAirNight on 24 January 2024, to shine a light on the uncomfortable truth about wood burning, urging residents to help protect themselves and their families from the harmful effects of wood burning.
Learn more in this video from The Environment Centre.